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---------Literature review硕士dissertation---------


I had a look at the 6-page introduction that you sent me and these are my comments.
· The Introduction and conclusion Chapters are very important in a dissertation. The introductory chapter is what a reader reads first and should therefore be well written. It is always the last chapter to be written for it gives the reader the direction through the dissertation. I presume that you have already finished with the other chapters.
· As it is at the moment, the chapter does not read well. Please ensure that the following are included:
o An introductory section, which introduces the reader to the chapter.
o A general background to your topic.
o The research aims and questions: please number them for ease of reading and reference. These would be linked to the literature review and therefore the literature chapter.
o Give the context and scope of the dissertation.
o Define the limits of the dissertation.
o Outline the method of enquiry, data collection and analysis techniques that are used in the study.
o Outline other contents on the whole dissertation (that is the other chapters: Findings/Analysis, Discussions and Conclusions).
o Outline the importance or implications of the dissertation.
o Give a brief outline of the remainder of the dissertation.
· You might sectionalise the chapter in the order given above.
· To improve presentation of the chapter and indeed the entire dissertation, please number your Chapters, Sections and subsections sequentially. You can use ‘decimal notation’ e.g. 1.1, 1.1.1 to number them.
· As always advised, please proof-read your work.
Best wishes,



. Introduction
1.1 Operation management
1.1.1 Definition
The operation of enterprises has three basic functions: operations, financial management and marketing (Cohen, Stephen S, and John Zysman, 1988). The operation is to create the necessary social goods and services. It is a great effect for enterprises to organize operational activities well to improve the economic efficiency of enterprises. Financial management is for enterprises to raise funds and rationally to use these funds. As long as input funds are more than output funds, enterprises’ wealth will rise. Marketing is to find and identify the needs of customers, and allow customers to understand the products and services of enterprises, and deliver these products and services to their customers.

Operation management refers to the whole management activities to design, operate, evaluate and improve the system design of products or services provided by enterprise (Cotteleer, Mark, Robert D, Austin and Cedric X. Escalle, 1999). Operation system design includes choosing and designing of product or service, sentinel choosing operation facilities, layout of operational facilities, design of service delivery system design and work design. The operating system’s operation mainly refers to that how the existing operation system adapt to market changes, according to users’ demand, product qualified products and provide satisfactory service. The operating system mainly involves production planning, organization and control of three aspects.

1.1.2 Objectives
Operational management’s objectives are high efficiency, low consumption, flexibility, cleanness and punctual production qualified products and (or) to provide satisfactory services. High Efficiency contraposes time and it means to quickly meet the needs of users (Gondola, E. M, J. Cox, 1992). In the current fierce competition of the market conditions, whose advance period of orders is shorter, who can get more customers. Low production means in the same quantity and quality of products, human, materials and financial resources consumption are the least. Low consumption can bring low cost, low cost can bring low prices, and low prices can win more customers. Flexibility refers to quickly adapt to market changes, product different varieties and develop new varieties or provide different services and develop new services. Cleanness means no pollution to the environment. Punctuality means in the time needed for the user, according to the number of users’ needs provide the required products and services. Qualified products and (or) satisfied services refer to the quality. In summary, the operation management requires six areas: time (T), quality (Q), cost (C), services (S), Flexibility (F) and the environment (E).

1.1.3 Contents
Operation management as the basic component of the enterprise management’s system contains a number of concrete work, its management functions mainly include the following five aspects:
1) operational strategy. It is strategic function of the overall strategy for enterprises, in accordance with the competition strategies of target markets and the enterprise. The operation system of the enterprise must be comprehensively and long-term planned to construct an advanced mode of operation with continuous development of high-efficiency.
2) Operation preparation and operation organizations. It refers to the preparatory work for operation materials, technical preparation and organization work. It includes factory and workshop layout, product development and design, work study and operation process organization, materials management, equipment management, enterprise culture, etc.
3) Operation plans. It refers to production planning work and the work load distribution related to the products and services. It includes production planning, process planning, production scheduling, materials plans, and personnel plans and load distribution.
4) Operation control. It refers to inspection, adjustment and other management work around the Completion of the planned tasks. It includes the progress of the production control, inventory control, quality control, cost control and the standardization of enterprises.
5) Advanced mode of operation. To meet the internationalization of enterprises and new competitive situation of enterprises, as soon as possible to improve enterprises’ management integration, to achieve integration of production and management it is already a hot for modern operational management. From the 1950’s GT (Group Technology), 1970's MRP (Material Requirements Planning) and MRP-II (Manufacturing Resource Planning-II) to the 1980's JIT (Just Time) and the 1990’s LP (Lean Production), AM (Agile Manufacturing), BPR (Business Process Reengineering), AVE (Agile Virtual Enterprise), those are advanced mode of production.

1.1.4 Task
From the operation management’s role in enterprises management system, we can see the operation management’s basic tasks are in the plan period, in accordance with the needs of the community, in the necessary time, in accordance with the stated quality of products to limit the product cost, efficiently product the necessary quantity of products (Hammer, Michael, 1990).
     Product quality, quantity, cost and delivery time are interrelated. For example: improving the quality of products may increase the cost of production; increasing production volume may reduce production costs. Therefore, we must proceed from the whole production and operation management system and apply functions of organize, plan and control, effectively combine the various factors of production input in the whole operation system, so that material flow and information flow in the production process can be blended organically, according to the most economical manner to create products or services that the society and enterprises are satisfied with.



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