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---------Current Valuation of Assets---------


In the Wan Chai district of Hong Kong, the company has many real estimates, such as Hopewell Centre, QRE Plaza, Garden East, branded ‘The East’ and so on, now I will valuation these real estimates.


They are many asset evaluation methods, such as net income approach, Replacement cost method, market comparison method and so on. Meanwhile, they are many factors affect the value of the real estimate, the location, the economy of the location, the numbers of the people in the area, the infrastructure of the area, particularly the school, hospital, store and so on. So when valuation the real estimate, we must concern these factors. For the real estimate of the company, I think we should concern difference factors when we valuation the real estimate. Actually, the location of the real estimate is very important, We can see the locations of the real estimate of the company is very close, such as GARDEN East is just steps away from Hopewell Centre and Wu Chung House; "The East" stands proudly at the heart of Queen’s Road East with its perfect blend of western and eastern cultures. This vibrant and aesthetic lifestyle zone brings together Hopewell Centre, QRE Plaza, Wu Chung House and GARDEN East into an interconnected paradise of superb dining and entertainment. But due to the real estimate have difference applications, so I use difference methods to valuation the difference real estimate.
For the Hopewell Centre, is thirty (30) years old. So I use the Replacement cost method to valuation the Hopewell Centre, due to the investment of the Hopewell Centre 2 is 4.5billion HK $, and the square of it is 172700 M2, while the square of the Hopewell Centre is 840000 M2, so the value of the Hopewell Centre is 4.5 billion/172700*840000=21.887billion HK$, also concern the history of it , so the value of the本留学论文由留学论文网www.51lunwen.com提供 Hopewell Centre is 22 billion HK$. For the GARDEN East, GARDEN East is just steps away from Hopewell Centre and Wu Chung House, so I can use the market comparison to valuation the GARDEN East, the valuation of the Hopewell Centre is 22billion HK$. The GARDEN East is the housing leasing, while the Hopewell Centre is office leasing, so the value of the GARDEN East is 22billion *0.9=19.8billionHK$, the 0.9 is the Correction factor. For the QRE Plaza, I will use the income approach to valuation the QRE Plaza, the QRE Plaza is near the Hopewell Centre, and mainly has the stores, the expect cash flow of the QRE Plaza each year is 100million HK$, and the growth of the cash flow of the project is 10%, so the value of the QRE Plaza is 100million/10%=1billion HK$. For the other real estimate, I will use other methods to valuation, actually when I valuation the real estimate.


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