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---------Project management success factors---------


In my report, I critiqued the academic research article “An Empirical Investigation of the Sponsor's Role in Project Initiation” on the topic of project and project management success factors. Based on full reviewing articles and the authors’ scientific research method, the authors found that each of six behavior factors (establishing communications and commitment, defining and aligning the project, defining performance/ success, mentoring the project manager, prioritizing and selecting, and establishing project teams) is significantly correlated with at least one of the three outcome measures (meeting agreements, customer, and future).
Key words: behaviors, project sponsor, risk factors, project success

Background information
This articles’ topic focus on examining and classifying the behaviors associated with the role of a project sponsor.
The background information of this article mainly focuses on the contents related with the definition of the project sponsor and role of the project sponsor with respect to project success. By citing three related articles such as Helm & Remington’s(2005), Project Management Institute [PMI]’s(2004), Association for Project Management’s (2005), the authors given the definition of the project sponsor, as the authors presented the project sponsor is the person who are responsible for representing the public client and acting as a day-to-day manager of the client's interests within the project(Kloppenborg,Timothy etc, 2006).
The authors cited the articles such as "The Elusive Executive Sponsor" (Perkins, 2005), "Surviving the Sponsor Exit" (Melymuka, 2004a), and "Firing Your Project Sponsor" (Melymuka, 2004b) to explain that the former althors stressed the role of the project sponsor with respect to project success. By citing the related views of Helm and Remington (Helm and Remington,2005) to stress the roles and responsibilities of the project sponsor in relation to the project organizational structure and the behavior and practices of key identified agents.
Based on the above background information, the authors presented the definition of the role of the project sponsor and the way that that role contributed to project success. The role of the project sponsor and the way that the role contributed to project success are both related with the characteristics of the project sponsor, as the authors defined, the characteristics of the project sponsor included(Kloppenborg,Timothy etc, 2006):
1. Appropriate seniority and power in the organization
2. Political knowledge and savvy
3.Ability/willingness to make project/organization connections
4. Courage/willingness to go to battle with others on behalf of the project
5. Ability to motivate the team and provide ad hoc support to the team
6.Willingness to partner with the project team and project manager(Kloppenborg,Timothy etc, 2006)
7. Excellent communication skills
8. Personally compatible with other key players
9. Ability/willingness to challenge the project and provide objectivity (Helm & Remington, 2005; Kloppenborg,Timothy etc, 2006)
Based on the articles DeLone and McLean’s(1992) definition on the information technology (IT) project success that is the "triple constraint" notion of time, cost, and performance are the three successful factors for the project success, Shenhar, Tishler, Dvir, Lipovetsky, and Lechler’s definition on project success that is the three dimensions: meeting design goals, benefits to customers, and commercial success and future potential, Pinto’s (2004) time-dependent dimension definition method, and Pinto’s (2004) four relevant dimensions of project success: project efficiency, impact on the customer, business success, and future potential, the authors adopted the Pinto’s (2004) four relevant dimensions of project success as the definition on project success. However, the authors did not given their own definition on the project success.

Reviewing the background to identify the sponsor behavior
Based on reviewing the former researchers’ articles, the authors firstly identify the sponsor behavior. The authors thought that the research on the role of the executive sponsor was performed by exploring the role of the executive sponsor in the context of IT and project risk within specific stages of a project's life cycle. Project risk literature was focused on the the identification and/or quantification of risk factors in IS/IT area. The authors also thought that the risk factors include the corporate environment, sponsorship/ ownership, relationship management, project management, scope, requirements, funding, scheduling, development of process, personnel, staffing, technology, external dependencies, and planning(Kloppenborg,Timothy etc, 2006). They thought that reviewing the background is the first step to identify the sponsor behavior.
Sample and survey methods
Sample method: the authors utilized a sample of 109 respondents that was developed from contacts at Project Management Institute conferences and other professional settings. The sampling respondents are mainly from North America. The fields of the work for 60% of the respondents are mainly general management, information systems, or operations in the industry of consulting, manufacturing, service, or education. The time of the projects for half of the respondents averaged less than one year. The level of experience was different.
Survey method: Online survey method. The survey question was related with the behaviors that a project sponsor might engage in during the project initiation stage in order to facilitate the success of a project. The survey questionnaire was adopted a charter form. The questionnaire included the rate a series of 72 sponsor behavior statements using a Likert-type response scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). The main questions were related with the sponsor behaviors factors and Outcome Factors. The questions of the sponsor behaviors factors included( Kloppenborg, T. J et al,2006):
1.the importance of establishing communications and commitment
2.the importance of defining and aligning project commitment
3.the importance of a sponsor defining performance/success standards on behalf of a project manager
4.the importance of a project sponsor both selecting and mentoring project managers
5.the importance of prioritizing tasks
6. the importance of selecting and establishing project teams
7. the importance of risk planning (i.e., predicting and assessing risk)
8. the importance of establishing change control (i.e., having procedures in place for handling change)
The questions of the outcome factors included:
1.the importance of meeting agreements (budgets, scheduling expectations, etc.)
2.the importance of pleasing the customer (customer satisfaction)
3.the importance of creating future benefits (commercial success, increased market share, new products and technologies, etc.).
Computed method to deal with the results
The results were dealt with by using the computed method. The computed result showed that each of the sponsor behavior factors were significantly and positively correlated (p's < .05) with one another, and all but two of the outcome factors were significantly and positively correlated (p's < .05) with one another(Kloppenborg,Timothy etc, 2006) . Each of six behavior fac


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