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---------Finance Management assignment---------



Marketing management model study of the main customers of commercial banks

The theme of the thesis is the main 代写英国essaycustomers of commercial banks marketing management mode, specific theoretical and applied research covers the main customer marketing management model of commercial banks, including the main state-owned commercial banks in China, customer marketing management mode of practice. The main customer marketing management model is the main customer base of commercial banks in order to meet the diversified demand for financial services, management systems, human arrangements, service content to ensure that its marketing and service personnel with specific target customers establish a clear correspondence between stable and long-term service, and enhance market competitiveness and profitability of the implementation of the management mechanism and management system innovation. This marketing model epitomized commercial bank customer-oriented bank-enterprise relationship management mechanisms, and the relationship between banks and enterprises from the system and management level from transactional to relational. The emergence of the earliest of the main customer marketing management model can be traced back to the United States before the 1930s, then, Bank of America, according to market economic development needs, in order to meet the financial needs of key customers such as credit, implementation of key customer relationship manager system a prototype of the main customer marketing management model; late 1970s代写英国essay, especially in the 1990s, this type of marketing management model greatly promoted the rapid upgrade of the commercial banking business volume and profits obtained a great success, and soon widely promotion and application in the United States and other Western developed countries, commercial banks. China's state-owned commercial banks in the late 1990s, the introduction of this marketing model, was marked by the establishment of the client manager system. But the actual operation situation, the effect is not obvious. One of the main reasons is the state-owned commercial banks do not really understand the characteristics of the main customer marketing system characteristics and system management mode, the deviation on the direction and method of implementation and promotion, and therefore can not get the marketing model of system performance and management effectiveness. Thesis the main line of the origin of the main commercial bank customer marketing management, meaning and constitute for content, principle, function and efficiency to explore the general theory of the main customer marketing management mode, operation mechanism, the implementation process, and tried to put forward an entirely new better adapt to the current path of reform options for the actual situation of China's state-owned banks - through the main customer marketing management model to establish nurturing Bank system changes, and promote the process of market-oriented reform of代写英国essay state-owned banks to improve the efficiency of state-owned banks operating. The paper from three aspects, divided into ten chapters of the main customers of commercial banks marketing management are discussed. The first chapter, the thesis according to previous studies of the significance of this research, elaborated the thesis research perspective and methods defined on the concept and innovative point where the analysis of the study. Chapter II described the origin of the main customer marketing management mode from the two levels of internal factors and external environmental factors, changes and nurturing principle. Chapter papers based on the new institutional economics, finance, service marketing related theoretical perspectives, combined with the operating characteristics of the commercial banks on content, structure and implementation of the model. The fourth chapter of the papers from the three levels of the property rights, management, operating main customer marketing organization structure mode, the main customers of the Bank of business <WP=11> industry marketing organization structure model should be a type of "M" and "H" type mixed Property Organ代写英国essayization structure, customer-oriented collaborative management organizational structure and by the business expansion, business management, to support the protection of the three sections constitute operating organizational structure. Chapter Five papers based on the inherent requirements of the the main customer marketing management mode, the principles and methods of the commercial banking business process design and reengineering.


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