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---------In Hotel and Resort Mangement---------


The challenges and contradictions facing organizations in relation to employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment and the solutions to address them

This article will firstly argue the concept of employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment. And then, it will demonstrate the factors that can influence the job satisfaction and organizational commitment. On the basis of a clear understanding of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, this article will show the challenges and contradictions facing organizations in relation to employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment. At last, the article will put forward some measures to deal with the challenges and contradictions argued before. In the conclusion, this article will conceal the significance of the study on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The solutions to deal with the challenges and contradictions in relation to job satisfaction and organizational commitment mean much to the organization. If one organization wants to keep alive and even thrive, it should have a clear understanding of employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and know how to deal with the challenges and contradictions in relation to job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

Concept of employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment:

Job satisfaction originates from psychology. It is the attitudes employees have, satisfied or not, to their jobs. The man who studies officially job satisfaction earliest is Hoppock. In the book named <job satisfaction >, he put forward the concept of job satisfaction for the first time. He thinks that job satisfaction is the employees′ feelings of satisfaction from both psychology and physiology to the environmental factors, namely, the employees′ subjective response to the working situations.( Hoppock, 1977) Loche defines job satisfaction as some kinds of happy and positive feelings.( Locke, 1986) These feelings come from appreciation gained during the period of working. Robbins and Coulter think that job satisfaction is the employees′ general attitudes to their jobs. Robbins defines job satisfaction as “the general attitude to the job one has” and thinks that if one has a good job satisfaction, he will have a positive attitude to his job; if one has bad job satisfaction, he will have a negative attitude.(Robbins, 2004)

The concept of organizational commitment, OC for short, is put forward by Becher, an American sociologist, in 1960 for the first time. Becher defines job satisfaction as a psychological phenomenon that employees have to stay in the organization continually along with the “folk remedy” investment to the organization. ( Becher, 1960) The “folk remedy” investments mean all valuable things such as welfare、energy and skills that can be used in the figured organization only. In 1976, the concept of organizational commitment from Porter contains three aspects, but it argued one of them only. This is only a single factor emotional commitment. (Porter, 1976). Angle & Perry produced value pledge and the pledge of remains in office through factor analysis based on questionnaire survey. (Angle, H. Para, J, 1981). In 1984, Meyer& Allen put forward sentimental pledge and emotional pledge. O’Reilly & Chatman thinks that organizational commitment is on behalf of the attitudes to the organization. On the basis of related study, O’Reilly & Chatman gains three forms of the organizational commitment: obeys, approves and internalizes. (O’Reilly & Chatman, 1986). In the 90th, 20 century, Canadian scholar Meyer and Allen produced the three factor model. They define organizational commitment as one kind of psychology that can manifest the relationship between employees and the organization. This concealed the decisions that the employees will remain in the organization or not. (Meyer and Allen, 1991)

The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment:

Job satisfaction and organizational commitment have a positive relationship. Job satisfaction can be a criteria to expect the job satisfaction. If one employee has a good job satisfaction, he will also has a good organizational commitment. If a organization want to gain more input from the employees and improve the organizational commitment, it should start from improving the employee job satisfaction.

Challenges and contradictions facing organizations in relation to employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment:

The challenge facing organizations in relation to job satisfaction and organizational commitment is that the multiple and changeable needs of the employees. According to Maslow′s theory of hierarchy of needs, employees have needs belonging to different levels. There are mainly five needs in Maslow's model: physiological needs、safety needs、social needs、ego needs、self-actualization (the desire to fulfill one's own potential). Herzberg's two factor theory thinks that two kinds of factors can impact employee's job satisfaction: satisfier factor and hygiene factors. There theories conceal that employee's needs are multiple. So many factors can impact job satisfaction. This is a great challenge for modern organizations compared with the organizations many years ago. In modern times, if one organization wants to gain proper organizational commitment from the employees, it should pay more attention to meet the employee's multiple needs, that is, to set up a good job satisfaction.

The contradictions facing organizations in relation to job satisfaction and organizational commitment is that organizations want more organizational commitment and supply less to support the job satisfaction in order to cut down the cost, but the employees want more to meet their job satisfaction and less organizational commitment in order to explore more chance for further personal development.

Solutions to deal with the challenge and contradiction facing organization in relation to job satisfaction and organizational commitment:

Employees want the organization to meet their multiple needs, that is, job satisfaction. And the organizations want the employees to show good organizational commitment in order to enhance the competitive power. The article will show several recommendations to deal with the challenge and contradiction facing organizations in relation to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Related measures are as below:

The job satisfaction is important to both the organizations and the employees. Improving the job satisfaction is very necessary. Firstly, supply challengeable jobs to the employees. Challengeable jobs can supply chances for employees to display their skills and abilities. But the challengeable jobs should be appropriate to avoid the feelings of setback and defeat. Secondly, fair environment of competition and proper rewards. Fairness can satisfy employees to work wholly-absorbed. Fairness can make the employees to believe that the more they input, the more they will get. Thirdly, supply good working conditions. If the organization pays enough attention to the employees, the employees will pay more attention to their jobs. The organization should treat the employees′ benefits as the most important thing. The organizations should take working conditions、living conditions、study conditions and so on into consideration. The organizations should take care of the health of the employees, alleviate the working pressure and meet all kinds of needs as much as possible. Fourthly, set good colleague relations and efficient communication. Communication can make the leaders and the employees understand with each other. And then right decisions can be understand and put into practice efficiently. There are no unified will、idea and motion. Harmonious colleague relation can improve the job satisfaction. Fifthly, make sure that the job and the personality should match with each other. The match of personality and occupation can bring more satisfaction to employees. If the personality can match the occupation well, the employee will find that he has proper ability and skills to work and this means more chances for success. From these successes, he will get better job satisfaction.


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